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About us

We are a neutral public company that fosters the data economy. As a business accelerator, we encourage and facilitate secure data exchange and data collaboration between consumers, businesses and public agencies.

Boosting and ensuring confidence in the data economy

Our company was established by decree by the Flemish government to act as a data exchanger and trusted party to deploy data - including confidential and personal data - and grow the data economy.

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Unique approach for secure data ecosystems

Our approach

Our company is your reliable, neutral partner. We provide digital platforms and components for data collaboration through data ecosystems. We connect partners and provide legal frameworks, interoperability and governance at every level.

Annual report 2023

Discover how Athumi became a major player in the Flemish data economy in its first year. Read more about our operations, our projects and ambitions for the future.

Download annual report 2023 (in Dutch)
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Recognition for our mission

Athumi has been recognized as a MyData Operator for the way we are committed to people-centric solutions that help individuals manage their personal data. The MyData Operator Awards are considered the gold standard for ethical data intermediaries.

Stay in touch with Athumi