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We help companies realise their projects in the data economy, implementing the plans set out by the board of directors. Meet our enthusiastic team.

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 019

Dorien Bauwens

Lead Business Developmentteam

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 151

Raf Buyle

Lead Innovation

Frank de clercq

Frank De clercq

Support functions

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 109

Franky Deleu

Lead Finance

IMG 1494

Björn De Vidts


Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 091

Eline Deweirdt

Lead Business unit Utility & Construction

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 052

Sammy Parmentier

Lead Business unit Real Estate

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 073

Stefaan Roets

Lead Operations & Delivery
Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 189

Kurt Ryckaert

Lead Business unit HR

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 010

Sarah Smits

Lead Business unit Health

Vlaams Datanutbedrijf Portretten 20230425 WEB 098

David Van den Brande

Lead Architecture & Technology

Frederik Van Outryve edit

Frederik Van Outryve

Lead Sales & Partners

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